
Closed circle robert goddard
Closed circle robert goddard

closed circle robert goddard

And they find themselves stumbling into something much darker than either had suspected. But a violent death is to interrupt their neat little scheme. The new, luxurious transatlantic liner Empress of Britain is on her eastward passage. Read more a pact: whichever of them wins Diana Charnwood's love will share his fortune with the other. Closed Circle par Robert Goddard aux ditions Transworld Digital. Product Type All Product Types Books (39) Magazines & Periodicals Comics Sheet Music Art, Prints & Posters Photographs Maps. So confident are they of success, in fact, that they make. Closed Circle by Robert Goddard, First Edition (39 results) You searched for: Author: robert goddard, Title: closed circle. Charm the daughter into an engagement to marry, then get the father to buy you off. It's a trick they've pulled before, with some success. A chance meting on deck brings them a tempting new target in the shape of the beautiful and wealthy heiress, Diana Charnwood. Targeting the beautiful daughter of a wealthy munitions dealer in the hopes of receiving a payoff from her father, scam artists Guy Horton and Max Wingate. Among the first-class passengers on board are two English confidence tricksters, making a discreet exit from a scam they have left behind them in the United States. A chance meeting on deck brings them a tempting new target in the shape of Diana Charnwood.

Closed circle robert goddard